Los Angeles 2025 Wildfires Resources for Writers

We’re all in this together. BookSwell is compiling information to help writers and creatives in Southern California navigate and access resources for recovery. Our website lists links to official government websites, fundraising campaigns, mutual aid directories, advocacy organizations, and book drives. We’re adding more links as we find them. 

Emergency Updates and Official Information

Highlighted Recovery Efforts – LA Writers Focused

Recovery Funds for Writers and Creatives

Mutual Aid

Non-Profit Organization Relief Funds

Corporate Relief Funds and Support

Advocate for Fair and Just Recovery


Book Drives

19 Jessamyn Violet interview

Jessamyn Violet, author of Secret Rules to Being a Rockstar and musician, shares her musings on the power of creative inspiration, music, and more. In conversation with host Cody Sisco, Jessamyn discusses the rock and roll lifestyle, writing a true-to-life Hollywood coming-of-age novel, and the power of being an outsider.

Photo credit: Erin Naifah

Jessamyn Violet is a writer and musician based in Venice Beach. Originally from Boston, she has a BFA from Emerson College and an MFA in Creative Writing from California College of the Arts. She’s published a book of poetry called Organ Thieves (Gauss PDF, 2017) as well as short fiction in Ploughshares and more. Her debut novel Secret Rules to Being a Rockstar was published in 2023. She is also the drummer for the band Movie Club.