We’re back for Episode 2! Today, BookSwell’s Managing Editor Cody Sisco is joined once again by Irene Yoon, Sarah Labrie and Dan Lopez. Rachelle Yousuf is our latest addition to the Intersections crew, a book event coordinator with The Freya Project and YALLWEST. In this episode, they confess to skipping events to stay home and read, turning away from literary fiction and local authors who truly capture the spirit of Los Angeles in their work.
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Books Mentioned
Black Leopard Red Wolf by Marlon James
Headcase edited by Stephanie Schroeder and Teresa Theophano
A Student of History by Nina Revoyr
Lost Canyon by Nina Revoyr
False Calm by Maria Sonia Cristoff
Wired for Story by Lisa Kron
The Design and Engineering of Curiosity by Emily Lakdawalla
Heaven, My Home by Attica Locke